Good Book Confidential: Jael

Posted on July 25, 2019


By David Ettinger

Several years ago I was stuck at home for a few months and needed something to occupy my time. I began a project combining two areas I know well: the Bible and journalism.

What resulted was Good Book Confidential, a creative endeavor which could be a TV series. The premise is a modern-day journalist, Denny Emerson, sitting down with a number of Bible personalities for a tell-all interview. The interviewer is somewhat brash and over-the-top, which gives the interviews some kick.

The interviews are on the long side, but move quickly as they are in script form (all dialogue). If this interests you, feel free to open the Word file of my Jael “interview” titled: “Jael Won’t Relent: I Have No Regrets!”

If response is favorable, I’ll post one daily. There were enough requests yesterday when I posted “Samson” to warrant this second posting. I have 15 in all.

Thanks so much! The Word Document link is below.